Recognizing that growing and maintaining local economies, municipalities and counties need two main characteristics:
- strong cooperation with private businesses;
- a long-term plan to utilize a variety of tools and incentive packages offered by state and federal agencies, organizations and private sources.
Working with your local government(s) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALISTS, LLC creates a framework for economic prosperity. Our team identifies your strengths and weaknesses and establishes a clear strategy to solve your economic development issues and concerns. Whether it is setting up an Improvement District to revitalize your downtown, or partnering with various state and federal agencies to implement smart growth initiatives, we have the team in place to get the job done.
In addition our deluxe “suite” allows for new investment into your community, develop an economic model and attract new businesses that adds to your tax base and reduces your dependence on residential property taxes. We make sure you are taking advantage of the incentives that exist for local governments that cut the red tape, provide tax-exempt bond financing, loans, capital and tax incentives: in short we make Public Private Partnerships simple!
Economic Revitalization Audit (ERA)
Our economic development team complies all of the relevant data — demographic information, census numbers, and economic factors to determine what your community needs to revitalize your local economy.
Business (Special) Improvement Districts
Improvement Districts drive economic growth and create job opportunities for local residents. They can make it easier for businesses to relocate to your community by offering a guide to meet municipal requirements.
Economic Development Corporations
An economic development corporation (EDC) is established via an ordinance of your local Mayor and Council creating a non-profit corporation whose mission is to assist in the commerce and economic development of the community by broadening the local tax base.
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS)
This is conducted under the federal guidelines of the U.S. Economic Development Administration Reform Act of 1998 (US EDA); allowing for federal funding assistance to be applied for once the CEDS is approved.
New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) Products
The state of New Jersey’s Economic Development Authority offers a variety of programs and incentives to assist private companies invest and grow in your community. The EDA is the financing arm of the state whose purpose is to create investments via job creation; specifically targeting manufacturing, commercial and retail development.
Clean Energy and Pay for Performance (P4P) Programs
ENERActive, a nationally recognized energy consulting and engineering firm, is an authorized partner in New Jersey’s Pay for Performance program. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALISTS, LLC partners with them to offer additional incentives and grants to companies investing in your community.